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Blogbeiträge zum Thema encounter

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags It happens completely unexpectedly

It happens completely unexpectedly

We met again and again. It was unavoidable since we were busy in this place. Of course, you or I could have gotten there sooner or later, but it always turned out that we got there at the same time. It wasn’t that we planned it or specifically ar...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Our Journey to Ravenna: Letter 7

Our Journey to Ravenna: Letter 7

For You, who enable me to be open by giving me security! A wonderful night! I slept wonderfully, more deeply and soundly than I had in a long time. In my opinion, it must have been an eternity since I last slept so soundly – but maybe it’s ...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Our Journey to Ravenna: Letter 1

Our Journey to Ravenna: Letter 1

For you, who share in my wishes! One last look out of the window. I’m still here, but I’m ready to set off, ready to start our journey to Ravenna. Although, to call this journey ours is a bit optimistic, because you said you would join us. ...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags The Woman from the Train (3)

The Woman from the Train (3)

I quickly looked around again before I dared to take a look at my treasure. It was actually her book. I opened it. Maybe I would find a name in it, at least that. But there was more, more than I could have imagined, because not only was her name, first...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags The Woman from the Train (1)

The Woman from the Train (1)

It was on a bitterly cold day in late November that I saw her for the first time, on the train I had recently been riding. The company I worked for had moved. Conveniently located for me than before, because I could almost go from house to house by tra...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Tales from the Odds and Ends Store (1): Tinka

Tales from the Odds and Ends Store (1): Tinka

Edgar Barfuss, the owner of the odds and ends shop, sat down in front of the cozy, crackling fire in the room, around which he had built a nice little tea corner with armchairs that invited people to linger, rest or chat. Actually, it had been his wife...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Sometimes I still think about it

Sometimes I still think about it

The white curtains blow in the summer wind. The room is all white, and when I look out the window of the bungalow, the sunlit stone coast of Tuscany lies in front of it. The light breeze gently blows around me, playing with my hair. One day you came in...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Luke returns (2)

Luke returns (2)

Luke’s parents were old now, but it was still rather unusual for two people to die of the same cause in one night, no matter how close they might have been. „As if my parents had ever been close,“ Luke thought bitterly, „My fath...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Hör mir zu: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS bei den Wiener Festwochen

Hör mir zu: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS bei den Wiener Festwochen

Wie oft reden wir aneinander vorbei, statt miteinander? Richtiges Zuhören will eben gelernt sein. Anna Rispoli hat ganz genau hingehört. 50 Stunden an Material hat die aus Italien stammende Regisseurin für die Wiener Festwochen zusammengetragen, tra...

KulturWiener FestwochenAnna RispoliClose EncountersDialogJugendTheater Akzent