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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Climate

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Saving the climate with nuclear power? 原子力発電で気候を救う?

Saving the climate with nuclear power? 原子力発電で気候を救う?

Is nuclear power the solution to the climate crisis? Lets do the fact check! 原子力は気候危機の解決策か?ファクトチェックをしてみよう! If we stop burning coal, oil and gas to stop global warming – well be missing a lot ...

News Der NgosÖsterreichVideosAnimationAtomAtomkraftEnergieEnergiewendeErklärvideoGlobal 2000NachhaltigkeitUmweltUmweltschutz
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Saving the climate with nuclear power?

Saving the climate with nuclear power?

Is nuclear power the solution to the climate crisis? Lets do the fact check! If we stop burning coal, oil and gas to stop global warming – well be missing a lot of energy. Nuclear energy is controversial, but arent there also good arguments for it? ...

News Der NgosÖsterreichVideosGlobal 2000UmweltUmweltschutz
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Systems Change not Climate Change | Greenpeace Schweiz

Systems Change not Climate Change | Greenpeace Schweiz

Klima- und Biodiversitätskrise sind die Folge eines wachstumszentrierten Wirtschaftssystems, das Ungleichheiten, Ungerechtigkeit und Ausbeutung fördert, insbesondere im globalen Süden. Aber was meinen wir, wenn wir sagen: Ändere das System, nicht ...

News Der NgosSchweizVideosGreenpeace
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Climate Challenges for european ski resorts

Climate Challenges for european ski resorts

This article in The Guardian discusses the significant challenges faced by European ski resorts, particularly in the French Alps, due to climate change. Early snowfall gave way to rain and sleet, causing delays in opening resorts like Morzine and Les G...

Short NewsSki
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Melting Slopes: The Vanishing Winters of Europes Ski Resorts,

Melting Slopes: The Vanishing Winters of Europes Ski Resorts,

 Ski resorts across the European Alps are facing a critical challenge as climate change leads to warmer weather and reduced snowfall. This environmental shift is shortening winter seasons, forcing resorts to rely heavily on costly and energy-intensive...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags COP28s Historic Agreement to Phase Out Fossil Fuels

COP28s Historic Agreement to Phase Out Fossil Fuels

 In an unprecedented move at COP28 in Dubai, almost every country in the world has agreed to transition away from fossil fuels, marking a significant step in the fight against climate change. This landmark decision, hailed as a major breakthrough afte...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags The Carbon Marketplace: Making Sense of Emission Trading

The Carbon Marketplace: Making Sense of Emission Trading

Welcome to the world of emission trading and the carbon marketplace! In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of this fascinating concept, understand its significance in climate change mitigation, explore its evolution, and examine its futur...

Climate Guide
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags From Deserts to Rainforests: How Biomes Shape Our Worlds Climate

From Deserts to Rainforests: How Biomes Shape Our Worlds Climate

Our planet is a complex system, where various environmental factors interact to create the incredible diversity we see around us. One of the main drivers of this diversity is the concept of biomes. Biomes are large-scale ecological communities shaped b...

Climate Guide
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Earths Inner Power: The Role of Geothermal in Climate Solutions

Earths Inner Power: The Role of Geothermal in Climate Solutions

Our planet is teeming with natural resources, and one of the most fascinating, yet underutilized, sources of power lies deep beneath our feet – geothermal energy. In the quest to combat climate change and transition to cleaner, more sustainable energ...

Climate Guide