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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Pop

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Q&A Today: Agathe Plaisance (Last Album: “Beautiful Damages”)

Q&A Today: Agathe Plaisance (Last Album: “Beautiful Damages”)

Agathe Plaisance... is a versatile and talented artist from the picturesque Normandy, cultivated a remarkable repertoire of skills through her comprehensive education at a renowned art school. With a passion as deep and far-reaching as her talent, Agat...

Agathe PlaisanceIndie FolkIndie PopMelancholic PopMusicMusikNormandy
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags KEEP CALM & YOLO You Only Live Once

KEEP CALM & YOLO You Only Live Once

„Keep Calm and YOLO“ kombiniert zwei populäre Ausdrücke, die unterschiedliche Lebensphilosophien widerspiegeln, und vereint sie auf eine interessante Weise. „Keep Calm and Carry On“ war ein Propagandaslogan, der von der briti...

Gedanken Zum Leben / PersönlichkeitsentwicklungAbenteuerlustAbenteuernAbkürzungAkronymAntiquariatAspekteAufforderungAusdruckAusdrückeAuskostenAuthentizitätBalanceBedeutungBesonnenheitBeständigkeitBetrachtungBevölkerungBritische RegierungBuchChancenCovid-19-pandemieDingeDrakeDruckDualitätEinmaligkeitEmotionenEndlichkeitEntdeckungEntscheidungenEntwicklungErfahrungErfahrungenErfüllungErinnerungFlüchtigkeitFortschrittFülleGeduldGeistGelassenheitGenussGrenzenHandlungenHashtagHerausforderungenImpulsivitätInstagramInszenierungInvasionKarriereerfolgKeep CalmKlimawandelKomfortzoneKontexteKrisenzeitenKritikLebenLebenseinstellungLebensphilosophienLeidenschaftLeidenschaftenLiedMedienMetapherModerneMomentMoralMottoOffenheitPerspektivePhänomenPhilosophiePhrasenPlattformenPodcastPolitischen UnruhenPopkulturPopularitätPosterPraxisProduktProduktivitätPropagandakampagnePropagandasloganRapperReflexionResilienzRisikenRuheScheiternSchlüsselSchlussfolgerungSelbstverwirklichungSloganSnapchatSpontaneitätStabilitätStoizitätStürmeSymbolSyntheseTodsündenTraditionenTräumeTräumenTwitterUmfeldUnvorhersehbarkeitUrsprungVerlockungenVernunftWeiseWerteWohlbefindenWork Life BalanceYoloZeitenZielenZügenZweiter Weltkrieg
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags A Feeling of Devotion and Trust: “Love” by Lucy Dreams

A Feeling of Devotion and Trust: “Love” by Lucy Dreams

“Love” by Lucy DreamsExploring Austrias multifaceted and lush indie music landscape is always a pleasure. The latest work “Love” by Lucy Dreams, available from today, definitely brings a hidden gem to the musical surface. Those familiar with th...

Art PopAustriaElectro PopIndie PopLucy DreamsMusicMusik
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags “Devil” by ASMI

“Devil” by ASMI

“Devil” by ASMIIn todays musical landscape, awash with a deluge of new talents and innovative sounds, there emerges an artist who captures attention with her distinctive style and powerful voice. ASMI, an emerging singer inspired by pop icons such ...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Close to Monday Hits Near Perfection with ‘Stranger, a Track That Binds and Beguiles

Close to Monday Hits Near Perfection with ‘Stranger, a Track That Binds and Beguiles

“Stranger” by Close to MondayAn Electro-Pop duo, dark and stirring in their creation, captivates us with their latest release, which we naturally wouldnt want to withhold from you. Close to Monday continues their chosen path with their new release ...

Close To MondayDark PopMusicMusikPopSynth Pop
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Soundscapes for the Soul: ‘In Waves by Lumari

Soundscapes for the Soul: ‘In Waves by Lumari

‘In Waves by LumariFor those who havent yet had the pleasure of discovering Lumari: This band from the United States enriches alternative rock with shades of dream pop and shoegaze. Their compositions, marked by exquisite guitar arrangements and voca...

Alternative RockBandDream PopLiveLumariMinneapolisMinnesotaMusicMusikShoegaze
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Q&A Today: Fleabustiers (Album:

Q&A Today: Fleabustiers (Album: "Time can wait")

Meet FleabustiersRecently, we showcased their amazing track ‘Sinking Ship and had the pleasure of getting to know them better through our Q&A session. Were talking about Fleabustiers, a musical collective born during the pandemic, which invites u...

AlbumFleabustiersFranceIndieIndie PopMusicMusikQ&a
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Cake-Pops


Cake-Pops werden auch Kuchenlollis oder kleine Kuchen am Stiel genannt und sind bei Jung und Alt richtig beliebt. Man sagt.......

Dessert KomponentenVerführerisch SüßAbo-blogOstern
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Explore the Themes of Love and Freedom: “Devenu Deux” by Jagas

Explore the Themes of Love and Freedom: “Devenu Deux” by Jagas

“Devenu Deux” by JagasToday, we turn our attention to a band that some of you may already know from their live performances. Jagas, a fascinating music group, not only unites the sounds of the world but also creates a sonic experience from them, re...

AcousticBandIndie PopJagasMusicMusikParisSinger And Songwriter