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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Metrics

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Data ethics for computing education through ballet and biometrics

Data ethics for computing education through ballet and biometrics

Post written by: Maria Richter Reading Time: 6 minutes For our seminar series on cross-disciplinary computing, it was a delight to host Genevieve Smith-Nunes this September. Her research work involving ballet and augmented reality was a perfect fit fo...

LinuxNewsPcTechnologyComputing EducationConfigDanceData-scienceEthicsInstall InstructionsPi ImagesRaspberry PiRaspiRaspi Install ConfigResearchResearch SeminarVideo Tutorial
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Data is worth their weight in gold if it is properly managed and activated

Data is worth their weight in gold if it is properly managed and activated

Data comes with a price: It must be collected, stored, and analyzed. This includes storage, IT and apps. It is not a source of revenue for digital marketers until it’s activated. Even then, the return on investment may take time. Still, it is mor...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Customer Retention Strategies

Customer Retention Strategies

It’s a fact you have heard over and over. It is cheaper to convince existing customers to buy again than to find new customers. This is true for many businesses, particularly in the crowded ecommerce market where clicks and conversions seem to be...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Key Metrics for Mobile Apps

Key Metrics for Mobile Apps

If you own a mobile app then you will certainly wonder what key metrics are important to track to understand the performance of your mobile app. But how can you tell if your numbers have a great or terrible performance? Mobile app analytics does not ha...

TechnologyTippActivationDrop OffEngagementKpiMobile AppRetention
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Infografik | 4 Metrics All Recruiters Need to Know

Infografik | 4 Metrics All Recruiters Need to Know

4 Kennzahlen, die jeder Recruiter kennen sollte (Infografik gefunden bei visualistan)

Infografiken & Videos
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags 25 Social Media Key Figures You Must Know by 2020

25 Social Media Key Figures You Must Know by 2020

Measuring your success is key in Social Media Marketing – but what should you be measuring in order to advance yourself and your company? This is where Key Figures (KFs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) come into play. In this blog post, we will...

AnalyzeSocial Media AnalyticsSocial Media KpisSocial Media Metrics
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags 25 Social Media Key Figures You Must Know by 2019

25 Social Media Key Figures You Must Know by 2019

Experience the difference between key figures & KPIs and which are particularly meaningful. So you know what to look out for in the analysis!

AnalyzeSocial Media AnalyticsSocial Media KPIssocial media metrics
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Top 3 Social Media Metrics for the Biggest Social Channels

Top 3 Social Media Metrics for the Biggest Social Channels

Out of hundreds of social media metrics you can analyze on the biggest social channels, we’ve picked 3 of the most common for each channel.

Know-How3 important social media metricssocial media metricsstandard social media metrics