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Blogbeiträge zum Thema dotnetcore

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Its all in the Host Class – Part 2: Configuration

Its all in the Host Class – Part 2: Configuration

.NET Core gives flexible options to configure app settings. The Host class has DI, configuration, and logging built-in. Lets look into the configuration part of the Host class.

.net CoreConfigurationDotnetDotnetcore
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Azure App Configuration: Configuration of .NET Applications

Azure App Configuration: Configuration of .NET Applications

In older solutions I’ve created a service that returns all the different configurations used by different projects in a solution, …

.NET CoreASP.NET CoreAzureConfigurationdotnetdotnetcore
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Its all in the Host Class – Dependency Injection with .NET

Its all in the Host Class – Dependency Injection with .NET

In the first article of this series, dependency injection is introduced, and Im showing how a dependency injection container can be created with the Host class.

.net CoreDependency InjectionDotnetDotnetcore
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Creating a Windows Service with .NET Core 3.0

Creating a Windows Service with .NET Core 3.0

In a previous version of a Professional C# book I’ve written a complete chapter on how to create Windows Services with the .NET Framework. Using .NET Core 3.0, it’s a lot easier to crea…

.NET CoreASP.NET Coreaspnetcoredotnetcorewindows service
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Click the Azure IoT Button – Part 2

Click the Azure IoT Button – Part 2

In part 1 of this article series I’ve shown how to configure the Azure IoT button and how to invoke an Azure Function when the button is clicked. In this article let’s continue and invo…

.NET CoreASP.NET CoreAzureAzure FunctionsAzure IoTdotnetcoreSignalR Services
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Moving from the switch statement to switch expressions (C# 8)

Moving from the switch statement to switch expressions (C# 8)

Switch expressions and enhanced pattern matching are great new concepts working together with C# 8. I’ve already written some blog articles on new C# 8 features – but this one goes a di…

.NET CoreCSharpCSharp8dotnetcoreWPF
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags .NET Core at the Thrive Conference in Slovenia

.NET Core at the Thrive Conference in Slovenia

This time the Thrive Conference in Slovenia celebrates 10 years! This time the conference is located in Postojna, at a hotel located at the Postojna cave. The 10 years and the cave shouldn’t …

.NET CoreBlazorConferenceCSharpWPFXAMLCSharp8dotnetcorePostojnaSloveniaThriveWebAssembly
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Choosing the right ASP.NET Core technology

Choosing the right ASP.NET Core technology

.NET Core 3.0 doesn’t make it easier to choose the correct Web technology creating .NET applications. Some more options have been added to select from, e.g. ASP.NET Razor Components. Did you …

.NET CoreASP.NET CoreBlazordotnetcoreGRPCMVCRazorRazorComponentsRazorPagesRESTWebAPIWebAssemblyWorker
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Hosting DI Container with .NET Core 3.0

Hosting DI Container with .NET Core 3.0

ASP.NET Core included the WebHost class that was used in the Main method to startup everything up – including the dependency injection container. With Non-ASP.NET Core applications I used the…

.NET CoreArchitectureConfigurationdependency injectiondotnetcorehostingLogging