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Blogbeiträge zum Thema aspnetcore

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Calling Web APIs using the dotnet CLI and HTTP Files with Visual Studio

Calling Web APIs using the dotnet CLI and HTTP Files with Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2022 17.5 includes new HTTP client tooling. This tool makes it easy to create API calls directly from Visual Studio, with a great output of the API results. Its easy to directly debug API invocations with this tool. Another tool which Im ... CoreApiAspnetcoreVisual StudioWebapi
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Creating a Windows Service with .NET 6

Creating a Windows Service with .NET 6

Windows services are programs that are automatically started when the system starts up, or when the user logs in. They run in the background and can run with a different account than the logged-in user. .NET makes it easy to create Windows services or ... CoreAspnetcoreDotnet
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Upgrading an ASP.NET Core Web API Project to .NET 6

Upgrading an ASP.NET Core Web API Project to .NET 6

Upgrading an ASP.NET Core 5 application to .NET 6, all what needs to be done is to change the project file for .NET 6, and update the NuGet packages to the new versions, and youre done and can build and run the application. However, to take advantage o...

.net CoreAspnetcoreCsharpDotnet
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Local Users with ASP.NET Core – ASP.NET Core Identity

Local Users with ASP.NET Core – ASP.NET Core Identity

Authentication and authorization is a built-in feature of ASP.NET Core. Creating an application, you can select to authenticate with the Azure Active Directory or the Azure Active Directory B2C, or store user information in a local database with the We...

.NET CoreASP.NET CoreaspnetcoreAuthenticationIdentity
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Project Tye – easier development with .NET for Kubernetes

Project Tye – easier development with .NET for Kubernetes

Visual Studio 2019 has great support for Docker and Kubernetes. After opening a solution, Dockerfile files and Helm charts can …

.NET CoreASP.NET CoreAzureACRAKSaspnetcoredotnetKubernetesTye
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Creating a Windows Service with .NET Core 3.0

Creating a Windows Service with .NET Core 3.0

In a previous version of a Professional C# book I’ve written a complete chapter on how to create Windows Services with the .NET Framework. Using .NET Core 3.0, it’s a lot easier to crea…

.NET CoreASP.NET Coreaspnetcoredotnetcorewindows service
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Async Streaming with ASP.NET Core SignalR and C# 8

Async Streaming with ASP.NET Core SignalR and C# 8

ASP.NET Core SignalR version 2.1 offers streaming from the server to the client. Using ASP.NET Core 3.0, streams can also be sent from the client to the server. C# 8 gives a new syntax for asynchro…

.NET CoreASP.NET CoreCSharpaspnetcoreCSharp8SignalR
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Workshop – ASP.NET Core Websites and Services

Workshop – ASP.NET Core Websites and Services

September 12, 2016 I’m teaching a 5-day ASP.NET Core Workshop in Vienna – this will be a great week covering new technology :-) ASP.NET Core is a great new technology from Microsoft. We…

.NET CoreASP.NET CoreTrainingASP.NET MVCASP.NET MVC 6ASP.NET MVC CoreEF CoreEntity Framework CoreWorkshop