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Worüber bloggt Österreich? In der Blogothek könnt ihr die aktuellsten Beiträge der Österreichischen Blogs durchsuchen. Derzeit befinden sich Blogartikel zum Thema WebAPI in der Blogothek, die natürlich immer direkt auf eure Blogs verlinken. Es sollte euch also mehr Traffic & neue Leser bringen! Stöbern und Neues entdecken, in der Blogheimat Blogothek!

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Blogbeiträge zum Thema WebAPI

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Minimal API growing with .NET 7

Minimal API growing with .NET 7

To create REST API services with Microsoft .NET, the Minimal API was introduced with .NET 6 - with top-level statements based on some C# 10 features. This was great for very small services, but missed some features which are available with .NET 7. .NET... CoreMinimal ApiServicesWebapi
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Web API Updates with .NET 8

Web API Updates with .NET 8

Preview 3 of .NET 8 includes a new project templates to create an API with a todo service instead of the weather forecast . Looking into the generated code of this template, there are a lot more changes going on such as a slim builder and using a JSON ... CoreWebapi
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Calling Web APIs using the dotnet CLI and HTTP Files with Visual Studio

Calling Web APIs using the dotnet CLI and HTTP Files with Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2022 17.5 includes new HTTP client tooling. This tool makes it easy to create API calls directly from Visual Studio, with a great output of the API results. Its easy to directly debug API invocations with this tool. Another tool which Im ... CoreApiAspnetcoreVisual StudioWebapi
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Choosing the right ASP.NET Core technology

Choosing the right ASP.NET Core technology

.NET Core 3.0 doesn’t make it easier to choose the correct Web technology creating .NET applications. Some more options have been added to select from, e.g. ASP.NET Razor Components. Did you …

.NET CoreASP.NET CoreBlazordotnetcoreGRPCMVCRazorRazorComponentsRazorPagesRESTWebAPIWebAssemblyWorker