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Worüber bloggt Österreich? In der Blogothek könnt ihr die aktuellsten Beiträge der Österreichischen Blogs durchsuchen. Derzeit befinden sich Blogartikel zum Thema Instrumental in der Blogothek, die natürlich immer direkt auf eure Blogs verlinken. Es sollte euch also mehr Traffic & neue Leser bringen! Stöbern und Neues entdecken, in der Blogheimat Blogothek!

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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Instrumental

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags ‘The Tower to Surpass the Clouds (Album) by Shining Fields

‘The Tower to Surpass the Clouds (Album) by Shining Fields

‘The Tower to Surpass the Clouds (Album) by Shining FieldsWhenever the name Shining Fields is mentioned in connection with music, enthusiasts of ambient, drone, or experimental genres take notice. Now, the solo artist has released a new full-length a...

AmbientDroneExperimentalInstrumentalJapanShining FieldsSoundscapeSpeech
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags A song that inspires:

A song that inspires: "Three Shots" by No Thanks, Man

“Three Shots” by No Thanks, ManThe song “Three Shots” is not a brand new or current release, but rather a few weeks old. However, it has preserved its quality, as good songs do. The artists name is “No Thanks, Man”, and her real name is Ger...

Alternative PopContemporary PopGeraldine EspinoManMulti-instrumentalistMusicMusikProducerSingerSongwriterThanks
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags A Dark Ambient Musician Who Illuminates the Night: Noctem Vulpes (Latest Album:

A Dark Ambient Musician Who Illuminates the Night: Noctem Vulpes (Latest Album: "")

Noctem VulpesAs a brilliant highlight of this day, which is entirely dedicated to instrumental music, we present to you Marcel Hunsinger, who has made a name for himself as Noctem Vulpes. Noctem Vulpes is the brainchild of Marcel Hunsinger, a dark ambi...

AmbientDarkDroneGermanyHessenInstrumentalMusicMusikMusik Aud DeutschlandNoctem VulpesPsychedelicSoundscape
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Von Chaos bis Harmonie: Wie Instrumentalmusiker mit ihren Stilen die Musikwelt verändern!

Von Chaos bis Harmonie: Wie Instrumentalmusiker mit ihren Stilen die Musikwelt verändern!

Vier Farben des Klangs!Instrumentalmusik ist das Thema dieses Artikels, dem wir uns heute widmen. Es ist eine anspruchsvolle Kunstform für jeden Musiker, der sich in diese Richtung orientiert, denn er muss nicht nur eine akustische Kulisse gestalten, ...

BosioCoq FreisenbergerInstrumentalMusicMusikPastoral DriftSolokünstlerUnleashed313
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags The Power of Versatility and Curiosity: How Marc Whitmore Became a Creative Genius!

The Power of Versatility and Curiosity: How Marc Whitmore Became a Creative Genius!

Marc not your typical producer and engineer. He is a musical visionary who blends old-school analog techniques with cutting-edge digital technology. His debut album, Analytic Inverter, is a testament to his creative genius and versatility...

EngineerGrammy WinnerInstrumentalMarc WhitmoreMulti-instrumentalistMusic. MusikMusicianProducerUs
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Die Instrumentalisierung der S-Link-Bürgerbefragung

Die Instrumentalisierung der S-Link-Bürgerbefragung

In der Debatte um den S-Link, die unterirdische Verlängerung der Lokalbahn quer durch Salzburg gibt es zu viel Parteitaktik. Der Beitrag Die Instrumentalisierung der S-Link-Bürgerbefragung erschien zuerst auf Dorfzeitung. Kultur online.

Mein.standpunktSo WochenkommentarVerkehr
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags The Paradox of “Midlife Crisis.Again” by Luke Tangerine: A Modern Take on 80s Synth Wave!

The Paradox of “Midlife Crisis.Again” by Luke Tangerine: A Modern Take on 80s Synth Wave!

Luke TangerineHailing from Frankfurt, Germany, Luke Tangerine is a musical virtuoso and aural innovator. His musical odyssey began as a live performer, wielding the guitar as his instrument of choice in various bands and projects. He immersed himself i...

80sDark PopDark WaveFrankfurtInstrumentalLuke TangerineMusicMusikSynth Wave
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags How “Cant Stay Home” by Cochrane Captures the Feeling of Leaving Home and Exploring the World!

How “Cant Stay Home” by Cochrane Captures the Feeling of Leaving Home and Exploring the World!

"Cant Stay Home” by CochraneWe are delighted to introduce you to the song "Cant Stay Home” by Cochrane from the album "Sounds like Science". The track is a remarkable 10-minute blend of rhythm and soundscape that creates a unique musical experience...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags The Art of Soundscaping with Jon DeRosa: “Morning Chorus” by Aarktica

The Art of Soundscaping with Jon DeRosa: “Morning Chorus” by Aarktica

Aarktica... is the sonic manifestation of Jon DeRosas artistic vision, which has been evolving and expanding since 1998. As the sole architect of this musical landscape, DeRosa invites various collaborators and instruments to enrich his atmospheric cre...

AarkticaAmbientInstrumentalJon DerosaMusikNew MusicSoundscape