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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Qonnect

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags 9 out of 10 hate to install an app for a service or a product

9 out of 10 hate to install an app for a service or a product

Most people hate the idea of being forced to install apps to access services. However, installing an app is often a key element of many products. Companies love it. Installing an app is often the first step of a smart connected products’ setup. H...

AppCustomerAppBusinessCustomer ExperienceOnboardingQonnect ZeroService
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Hey Siri, call a BOX!

Hey Siri, call a BOX!

Voice Interfaces are improving every year and voice assistants are becoming more powerful every year. Since Apple introduced Siri in 2011, companies likes Amazon and Google have followed suit with Alexa and Google Assistant. We’ve recently extene...

CustomerProductProgressive Web AppAlexaCall A BoxOmnichannelQonnectSiriVoice Interface
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Automating App Content Distribution with qonnect

Automating App Content Distribution with qonnect

Be present in the mind your customers when they make business decisions: use the qonnect platform and send automatic campaigns into your apps.

Product AnnouncementRetailautomatizationcampaignscontentqonnect