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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Digitech

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags 10 Best Technology Solution Providers of 2021

10 Best Technology Solution Providers of 2021

The end of the year is approaching and it’s time for awards. After making it under the top 10 in the UBS Future of Finance Challenge 2021, our work also got featured as one of the 10 Best CEM Solution Providers of 2021. So, I am feeling (again) h...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags IKANGAI shortlisted as 10 Most Admired Companies to Watch 2021

IKANGAI shortlisted as 10 Most Admired Companies to Watch 2021

Our marketing team did a hell of a job in the previous months. Their relentless work earned us a place on the DigiTech Insight shortlist of the “10 Most Admired Companies to Watch 2021”. Our marketing outreach strategy is a common effort wi...
