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Worüber bloggt Österreich? In der Blogothek könnt ihr die aktuellsten Beiträge der Österreichischen Blogs durchsuchen. Derzeit befinden sich Blogartikel zum Thema Bioprinting in der Blogothek, die natürlich immer direkt auf eure Blogs verlinken. Es sollte euch also mehr Traffic & neue Leser bringen! Stöbern und Neues entdecken, in der Blogheimat Blogothek!

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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Bioprinting

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Forscher entwickeln neue Verbandbehandlung zur Behandlung von diabetischen Fußgeschwüren

Forscher entwickeln neue Verbandbehandlung zur Behandlung von diabetischen Fußgeschwüren

Forscher der Queen’s University Belfast haben eine neue Verbandbehandlung, ein sogenanntes Scaffold, zur Behandlung von diabetischen Fußgeschwüren entwickelt, die kostengünstig ist und gleichzeitig die Behandlungsergebnisse fü...

Medical Condition NewsMedical Research NewsNewsAmputationAntibiotikumApothekeArzneimittelabgabeB-zelleBakterienBioprintingBlutBlutzuckerDiabetesDiabetischer FußForschungFußGeschwürHerstellungKollagenTechnologieWachstumsfaktorWundeWundheilungZelle
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags 3D printer converted into a cheap bioprinting rig

3D printer converted into a cheap bioprinting rig

3D printer converted into a cheap bioprinting rig Arduino Team — June 11th, 2019 While most 3D printers deposit melted plastic in carefully controlled positions to build up a physical model, a

LinuxNewsTechnology#technology3d printingarduinoBioprintingDIY BioprinterFeaturedlinuxmegatech
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags 3D Printing Living Tissue Could Heal Damaged Joints and Eliminate Arthritis

3D Printing Living Tissue Could Heal Damaged Joints and Eliminate Arthritis

A team of researchers from the University Medical Centre Utrecht in the Netherlands have created a biofabrication method to create living tissues that replicate cartilage and could potentially be implanted to repair damaged joints.  Experienced by

NewsScienceTechnologyVideo#technology3D Printing News3dprintBioprintingblogdottvmedical 3D printingnews#
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Engineers Develop 3D Printing Method That Produces Tissue Scaffolding From Sugar

Engineers Develop 3D Printing Method That Produces Tissue Scaffolding From Sugar

A team of engineers from the University of Illinois have developed a free-form isomalt 3D printing technology that produces intricate sugar-based scaffolding, which could potentially be used to grow tissue or study tumors.  Slowly but surely,

NewsScienceTechnologyVideo#technology3d printing3D Printing News3dprintBioprintingblogdottvmedical 3D printingnews#
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags UCLA Bioengineer Develops SLA 3D Printer That Produces Complex Artificial Tissues

UCLA Bioengineer Develops SLA 3D Printer That Produces Complex Artificial Tissues

Researchers from UCLA have developed a SLA-based bioprinter that is able to create therapeutic biomaterials from multiple materials. This advancement could potentially be used for on-demand printing of complex artificial tissues for use in transplants...

NewsScienceTechnologyVideo#technology3d bioprinting3D Printing News3dprintblogdottvnews#Research
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags 3D Jet Writing Technique Provides Better Understanding of How Cancer Spreads

3D Jet Writing Technique Provides Better Understanding of How Cancer Spreads

Researchers from Purdue University and University of Michigan have developed a new 3D jet writer that allows them to print high-resolution polymer as microtissues. These tiny tissue structures are able to facilitate cancer cell growth, allowing

NewsScienceTechnologyVideo#technology3d bioprinting3D Printing News3dprintblogdottvcancernews#Research
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Researchers 3D Bioprint the First Ears Made From Childen’s Own Cells

Researchers 3D Bioprint the First Ears Made From Childen’s Own Cells

A team of Chinese plastic surgeons and tissue engineers have devised a method to 3D print cells which assemble into a replica of a patient’s ear. Five children suffering from unilateral microtia in China are the

NewsScienceTechnologyVideo3d bioprinting3d printed ears3D Printing News3dprintblogdottvchinanews#plastic surgerytechnology