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Worüber bloggt Österreich? In der Blogothek könnt ihr die aktuellsten Beiträge der Österreichischen Blogs durchsuchen. Derzeit befinden sich Blogartikel zum Thema leavenoonebehind in der Blogothek, die natürlich immer direkt auf eure Blogs verlinken. Es sollte euch also mehr Traffic & neue Leser bringen! Stöbern und Neues entdecken, in der Blogheimat Blogothek!

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Blogbeiträge zum Thema leavenoonebehind

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Leben retten ist kein Verbrechen! Werde aktiv! | Amnesty Deutschland

Leben retten ist kein Verbrechen! Werde aktiv! | Amnesty Deutschland

Leben retten ist kein Verbrechen! Werde aktiv: Wegen angeblicher Beihilfe zu illegaler Einwanderung ermittelt die italienische Justiz gegen zehn Seenothelfer des Rettungsschiffs Iuventa. Bei dem Prozess auf Sizi...

DeutschlandInitiativen Und PetitionenNews Der NgosVideos#leavenoonebehindAmnestyAsylDariush BeiguiEuEu-aussengrenzenFluchtIuventaIuventa10MittelmeerRecht Auf Flucht Und AsylSeenotrettungg
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags 5 articles you should read on World Refugee Day

5 articles you should read on World Refugee Day

Today is World Refugee Day!   Since the year 2000 June 20th is World Refugee Day. It is a day to honour people’s strength and endurance, a day to show solidarity and a day to educate ourselves about what it means to be a refugee. refugee /r

Culture & SocietyacitvismhelpIntegrationleavenoonebehindmigrationrefugeesslacktivismSolidarityunited nations
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags #leavenoonebehind  why your support matters

#leavenoonebehind why your support matters

Over the last couple of weeks, we have teamed up with #LeaveNoOneBehind to raise awareness for their cause and to explore the topics of social responsibility, how to start a movement and the importance of slacktivism. We discussed why it is important ...

Culture & SocietyProjects & Ideasactivismcamp morialeavenoonebehindpolitialprotestRefugeerefugee crisissupporttogether
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Solidarity in self-isolation: Why we #leavenoonebehind during a global pandemic

Solidarity in self-isolation: Why we #leavenoonebehind during a global pandemic

With the invisible threat of covid-19 seemingly all around us, governments all over the world instruct us to shelter in place and wait. We huddle alone, or with friends and family, anxious about the future and what kind of society we will step out into...

Culture & SocietyProjects & IdeasScience & TechnologyTEDxViennaUncategorizedactioncall for actionevacuationFutureglobalideaspandemicpolitical actionpolitical movementpoliticssocial mediaSolidarityvulnerable
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Petitions: A time for Slacktivism

Petitions: A time for Slacktivism

For politically active people slactivism is all there is at the moment. In this post we will discuss how slacktivists can change the world and the importance of petitions to raise awareness for important causes like #leavenoonebehind.

Culture & SocietyIdea of the MonthProjects & Ideasactivismcrisisgovernmentsleavenoonebehindmovementpetitionspoliticsprotestsrefugees
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags #LeaveNoOneBehind  How to start a movement in less than a month

#LeaveNoOneBehind How to start a movement in less than a month

Four weeks ago a small group of people started a petition to raise awareness for the situation in Camp Moria. But how can one turn an idea into a movement in such short amount of time? We talked to with the iniators of #LeaveNoOneBehind about their mot...

Culture & SocietyProjects & Ideasactivismcrisisgovernmentsleavenoonebehindmovementpetitionspoliticsprotestsrefugees
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags #LeaveNoOneBehind or how to fight for those forgotten in times of Corona

#LeaveNoOneBehind or how to fight for those forgotten in times of Corona

#LeaveNoOneBehind is a petition founded in Germany that ask the European Union to evacuate Camp Moria and save thousands of lives. Over the course of the next weeks we will explore topics like social responsibility, political activsm and its success to...

Culture & SocietyProjects & Ideas