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Blogbeiträge zum Thema fukubukuro

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Let the fukubukuro madness begin again!

Let the fukubukuro madness begin again!

 Hello lovelies,its that time of the year again. Not christmas or something trivial like that. No! Its Fukubukuro time! I am so excited for this years goodie bags as the yen is pretty low, which makes ordering from Japan cheaper than ever bef...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Let the fukubukuro madness beginn again!

Let the fukubukuro madness beginn again!

 Hello lovelies,its that time of the year again. Not christmas or something trivial like that. No! Its Fukubukuro time! I am so excited for this years goodie bags as the yen is pretty low, which makes ordering from Japan cheaper than ever bef...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Fukubukuro 2023

Fukubukuro 2023

Hello lovelies,its that time of the year again. Fukubukuro time! I am so excited for this years goodie bags as the yen is pretty low, which makes ordering from Japan cheaper than ever before. But without further ado, here are the fukubukuro t...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags fukubukuro 2022

fukubukuro 2022

 Hello lovelies,I know I have not been the most active blogger in the past few months, but studying, working 40h and learning latin eats so much time. But its this time of the year again, the fukubukuro time!Last updated: 30th of NovemberBran...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Fukubukuro 2021

Fukubukuro 2021

Hello lovelies,it is time for my yearly fukubukuro post! I just love the lucky bags and I am always so excited about what the brands come up with this year. It is just bitter (for me) that Liz Lisa didnt release Lucky bags the last two years becau...
