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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Robotics

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags This robot dominates dart games

This robot dominates dart games

Post written by: Quad Oner Reading Time: 2 minutes Youll find dartboards in just about every dive bar in the world, like cheaper and pokier alternatives to pool. But that doesnt mean that darts is a casual game to everyone. It takes a lot of skill to ...

LinuxNewsTechnology#technology3dprint3dprinted3dprinterArduinoCraftDart RobotLinuxMiniature PaintingMiniaturesRobotRoboticsRobotsTechUno
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Can I build my own robot with Arduino?

Can I build my own robot with Arduino?

Post written by: Quad Oner Reading Time: 5 minutes When you think of automation, whats the first image that comes to mind? For many of us, its a robot. From the blocky, square-headed characters of sci-fi comic fame to household more complex creations ...

LinuxNewsTechnology#technology3dprint3dprinted3dprinterAnnouncementsArduinoAutomationCraftLinuxMiniature PaintingMiniaturesRobotRoboticsRobotsTech
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags This DIY humanoid robot talks back to you

This DIY humanoid robot talks back to you

Post written by: Quad Oner Reading Time: 2 minutes Most people with an interest in robotics probably dream of building android-style humanoid robots. But when they dip their toes into the field, they quickly learn the reality that such robots are incr...

LinuxNewsTechnology#technology3dprint3dprinted3dprinterArduinoCraftHumanoid RobotHumanoid RobotsLinuxMiniature PaintingMiniaturesRobotRoboticsRobotsTechUno
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags TAST-E is an animatronic robot head with a sense of taste and smell

TAST-E is an animatronic robot head with a sense of taste and smell

Post written by: Quad Oner Reading Time: 2 minutes There are many theories that attempt to explain the uncanny valley, which is a range of humanoid realness that is very disconcerting to people. When something looks almost human, we find it ...

LinuxNewsTechnology#technology3dprint3dprinted3dprinterAnimatronic Robot HeadAnimatronicsArduinoCraftLinuxMegaMiniature PaintingMiniaturesRobotRobot HeadRoboticsTech
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags This RC tank has Möbius strip tracks

This RC tank has Möbius strip tracks

Post written by: Quad Oner Reading Time: 2 minutes Möbius strips are often used to symbolize infinity, because they are continuous loops with only a single surface. They can’t exist in real life, because every solid object in reality has thick...

LinuxNewsTechnology#technology3dprint3dprinted3dprinterArduinoCraftLinuxMegaMiniature PaintingMiniaturesMobius StripMobius Strip TankRobotRoboticsRobotsTech
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Replicating two of historys most iconic BattleBots with the Arduino UNO R4

Replicating two of historys most iconic BattleBots with the Arduino UNO R4

Post written by: Quad Oner Reading Time: 2 minutes When the BattleBots TV show first hit the airwaves in 2000, it felt like we were finally living in the future. Engineers and enterprising hobbyists from around the world would compete to build the m...

LinuxNewsTechnology#technology3dprint3dprinted3dprinterArduinoBattle RobotsBattlebotsCraftLinuxMiniature PaintingMiniaturesRobotRoboticsRobotsTechUno R4
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Tiny DIY Roomba cleans desks and countertops

Tiny DIY Roomba cleans desks and countertops

Post written by: Quad Oner Reading Time: 2 minutes The future we were promised was supposed to include robot maids and flying cars. The future we got has Roomba vacuums and Southwest Airlines. But at least those Roomba vacuum robots work pretty well f...

LinuxNewsTechnology#technology3dprint3dprinted3dprinterArduinoCraftDiy RoombaLinuxMiniature PaintingMiniaturesRobotRobot CleanerRobotic CleanerRoboticsRobotsTechUno
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Can you smell what the Rockobot is cooking?

Can you smell what the Rockobot is cooking?

Post written by: Quad Oner Reading Time: 2 minutes Modern engineering is increasingly cross-disciplinary, so today’s students often take courses that would have seemed to be “outside their field” a couple of decades ago. Pelochus and...

LinuxNewsTechnology#technology3dprint3dprinted3dprinterArduinoBattle BotsCraftLinuxMiniature PaintingMiniaturesRobotRoboticsRobotsTechUncategorized
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags The Mind-Machine Meld: Exploring the Intersection of Neuroscience and Cybernetics

The Mind-Machine Meld: Exploring the Intersection of Neuroscience and Cybernetics

In the ever-evolving landscape of science and technology, two disciplines have emerged as powerful catalysts for reshaping our understanding of the human experience: neuroscience and cybernetics.

BioartRoboticsArs Electronica Festival 2023