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Blogbeiträge zum Thema First-semester

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags [presentation] A decade of first-semester students surveys concerning IT equipment and communication applications and effect of Covid-19 related experiences for first-year students in 2021#covid19 #edil22 #tugraz #research

[presentation] A decade of first-semester students surveys concerning IT equipment and communication applications and effect of Covid-19 related experiences for first-year students in 2021#covid19 #edil22 #tugraz #research

We are happy to present our research about „A decade of first-semester students surveys concerning IT equipment and communication applications and effect of Covid-19 related experiences for first-year students in 2021“ at EdMedia + Innovate...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags [publication] Change of IT equipment and communication applications used by first-semester students from 2011 to 2020 and possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of a long-term #tugraz #research #edil21

[publication] Change of IT equipment and communication applications used by first-semester students from 2011 to 2020 and possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of a long-term #tugraz #research #edil21

Our contribuation to this year ED-Media 2021 conference about „Change of IT equipment and communication applications used by first-semester students from 2011 to 2020 and possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of a long-term“ g...

E-learningPublikationenVeranstaltungenEdilEdmediaIt SkillsPublicationSurveyTugraz
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags [presentation] Change of IT equipment and communication applications used by first-semester students from 2011 to 2020 and possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of a long-term survey  #edil21 #research #tugraz

[presentation] Change of IT equipment and communication applications used by first-semester students from 2011 to 2020 and possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of a long-term survey #edil21 #research #tugraz

We were happy to present our research about „Change of IT equipment and communication applications used by first-semester students from 2011 to 2020 and possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of a long-term survey “ at this yea...

AllgemeinE-learningTugVeranstaltungenConferenceEdilEdmediaIt EquipmentPresentationTugrazWelcome Days