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Blogbeiträge zum Thema cottageviertel

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Three score years and ten

Three score years and ten

Curmudgeon turns a biblical age. Not that this venerable state of affairs will mean he changes his habits, other than maybe more naps.

CottageviertelFamilyPartyConsumerismFamily VisitsLifestyleSeventySommerloch
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Curmudgeon reduces his digital footprint

Curmudgeon reduces his digital footprint

Reducing a digital footprint helped me come to terms of really being retired.

CottageviertelRetirementThe Gig EconomyWorkDigital FootprintPrivacySocial Media
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags From car-free to care-free travel, but first solving the Coronation Conundrum

From car-free to care-free travel, but first solving the Coronation Conundrum

Curmudgeon has a new car, but now needs to work out how to celebrate the Coronation following some slight fraternal pressure.

CottageviertelEntertainingEventsHospitalityCoronationEating In
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Being called “young” at approaching 70

Being called “young” at approaching 70

Curmudgeon unwittingly gets sucked into the cut-throat world of care home stickermania, by octogenarian flattery, which distracts him long enough for a cycle way to appear in front of his home and for a Presidential re-election.

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Flummoxed by the emergency services

Flummoxed by the emergency services

Curmudgeon has an appointment to make. A simple direct tram journey suddenly seems not quite so simple. Stay cool, Curmudgeon, stay cool!

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Tag der Arbeit: return of the Mai Aufmarsch

Tag der Arbeit: return of the Mai Aufmarsch

Curmudgeon muses on politics, electricity bills, Ukraine, the cost of living crisis and first world problems like Boy Racers

CottageviertelEnergy PricesMai AufmarschSpÖTag Der ArbeitUkraineWorker's Day
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags And just like that, the end of lockdown, as Lockdown Austria Series 4 draws to an anticlimactic close.

And just like that, the end of lockdown, as Lockdown Austria Series 4 draws to an anticlimactic close.

Curmudgeon reviews the latest series of Lockdown Austria. Bit parts aplenty, heroes/villains exiting stage (centre) right.

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Am I one of the very few sticking to lockdown?

Am I one of the very few sticking to lockdown?

Curmudgeons resolve is unbroken and he is heeding the lockdown. Why? Because he wants to be the solution to the problem not the cause of it being exacerbated.

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags If the shot is not on target, move the goalposts…

If the shot is not on target, move the goalposts…

Curmudgeon invites you to get out of town and shun Vienna now that it has lost its world-beating status for liveability, or has it? In any case, bring a Wegbier on this trip through the Sommerloch.
