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Blogbeiträge zum Thema beverages

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags 6 Best Club Soda Substitutes for Various Dishes and Beverages

6 Best Club Soda Substitutes for Various Dishes and Beverages

From the bubbly fizz of cocktails to the light fluffiness of your favorite pancake, club soda is that secret ingredient that breathes life into an array of culinary delights. But what happens when youre about to add the final touch to your dish and—o...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags 13 Best Orange Zest Substitutes for Flavorful Food and Beverages

13 Best Orange Zest Substitutes for Flavorful Food and Beverages

Some might think theres no need to use an orange zest substitute because they can simply omit the ingredient. However, I find that the missing zing, tanginess, brightness, and acidity the zest is responsible for can affect the overall quality of the di...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Aperol Spritz Recipe

Aperol Spritz Recipe

Perfect vibrant summer alcohol refreshment for all those who celebrate life. Bring some Italian fun times for your evenings. You just need a few ingredients to make this cocktail beverage drink from scratch at home or for your party.Aperol Spritz Recip...

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags How to make Matcha Tea easily (hot or iced)

How to make Matcha Tea easily (hot or iced)

How to make Matcha Tea easily (hot or iced) - Easy instructions so that you can make your own Japanese matcha green tea at home from scratch without special equipment.

AsianBeveragesRECIPESVideo Clips
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags St.Patrick’s Day Baileys Irish Cream

St.Patrick’s Day Baileys Irish Cream

St.Patricks Day Baileys Irish Cream with chocolate - Homemade Irish themed Liqueur flavored with chocolate. Easy to make in 5 minutes and so goooood!

BeveragesNorth AmericanRECIPESVideo Clips
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Tropical Smoothie Recipe

Tropical Smoothie Recipe

Fruity Tropical Smoothie Recipe to give you the energy to tackle the day. The smoothie flavors will transport you to a Caribbean white sand beach with palm trees and crystal clear light blue water.

BeveragesBreakfastHealthyRECIPESfruitpassion fruit
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Ginger Lemon Honey Tea

Ginger Lemon Honey Tea

Ginger is an excellent natural cold and flue preventer, refreshing and helpful in cases of stomach flues or food poisoning.

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Champagne Jello Shots Recipe

Champagne Jello Shots Recipe

Fun Champagne Jello Shots to count down to midnight or to celebrate good times with family and friends.

BeveragesRECIPESVideo Clips
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags How to make Sangria

How to make Sangria

How to make Sangria - Spanish red sangria drink loaded with your choice of freshly chopped and sliced fruits. Make this alcoholic party beverage this holiday season or for your next summer outdoor party.

BeveragesVideo Clips