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Blogbeiträge zum Thema advent calendar 2016

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Albums of the Year: Anagnorisis

Albums of the Year: Anagnorisis

With the autobiographically anchored Peripeteia, Anagnorisis emphazise their eyemplary status in the USBM scene: based on vocalist Zachary Kerr’s life, english please!advent calendar 2016
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Albums of the Year: Mitchell Roemer

Albums of the Year: Mitchell Roemer

Old Lines have always been a socially critical and political band. On the coop-EP To Build a Fire, these motives have seemingly been sharpened a lot english please!advent calendar 2016
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Albums of the Year: British Theatre

Albums of the Year: British Theatre

After 2015’s glorious highlight The Demon Joke, Mike Vennart and Richard A. Ingram take the British Theatre banner, and take it farther into electronica english please!advent calendar 2016
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Albums of the Year: Amber Arcades

Albums of the Year: Amber Arcades

R.E.M. and Luna meet up in Saint Etienne, and work in the Stereolab to research new formulas for the perfect pop song. The result is pretty cool!” is english please!advent calendar 2016
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Albums of the Year: Plebeian Grandstand

Albums of the Year: Plebeian Grandstand

Where we thought that the beastly Lowgazers already tightened the thumbscrews as much as possible, Plebeian Grandstand managed to refine their dissonant english please!advent calendar 2016
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Albums of the Year: Justin Greaves

Albums of the Year: Justin Greaves

A lot of other bands probably would have crumbled under the experiences Crippled Black Phoenix were going through for the past few years. But Justin english please!advent calendar 2016
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Albums of the Year: Spirit Adrift

Albums of the Year: Spirit Adrift

This album features so many memorable guitar harmonies and rivals Inter Arma for doom(ish) album of the year. – high praise from Khemmis, who talk about english please!advent calendar 2016
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Das Jahr in Platten mit: Crush

Das Jahr in Platten mit: Crush

Da bahnt sich großes im Spannungsfeld von shoegazenden Dreampop-Gefilden an. Zumindest stellt dies die grandiose Damaged Goods-EP in Aussicht, mit der

Adventskalender 2016Featuredadvent calendar 2016
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Albums of the Year: Khemmis

Albums of the Year: Khemmis

On Hunted, Khemmis can keep all the promises their formidable debut Absolution gave 15 months ago, and let fans of Pallbearer and Crypt Sermon alike lick english please!advent calendar 2016