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Blogbeiträge zum Thema aupairlife

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags #19 Extension – hardest decision of my au pair life

#19 Extension – hardest decision of my au pair life

I have literally no idea what I am gonna do, what I wanna do or what I should do. There is this big decision coming up and I do not feel ready at all! I am in the US for almost 8 months now and it is time to decide if I want to extend … Continue ...

Au PairMy Au Pair Year 2020/21AmericaAupairAupairlifeDecisionExtensionHostfamilyUsaWashington Dc
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags #17 my new life daily routine

#17 my new life daily routine

Now after almost 4 months in the USA I am almost getting used to everything American. I am used to the bigger sizes, the street signs, the names, the language, how to handle things, food and directions. I am used to the landscapes, the people, and the ...

Au Pairmy Au Pair Year 2020americaaupairaupairlifehostfamilykidsquarantineroutinescheduleUSAweek
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags #15 Changes.

#15 Changes.

I quit my commitment to a life I wasn’t loving anymore. A lot has changed since my last post about my life in the US. Nothings changed about the virus situation though. I still have to stay at home with the kids. Everything is still closed. We are st...

Au Pairmy Au Pair Year 2020americaaupairaupairblogaupairlifeblogchangefeelingsLifeloverelationshipUSAwriting
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags #4 erstes Skype-Interview und Matching

#4 erstes Skype-Interview und Matching

(English below) Nach dem letzten Post ist so einiges passiert. Die Familie mit der ich in Kontakt war, hatte sehr plötzlich und überraschenderweise mit einem anderen Au Pair gematched. Dies fand ic…

Au PairBewerbung & MatchingaupairaupairblogaupairlifechicagoCulturalcarehostfamilyMatchingskype interviewUSA