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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Fomapan

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Lensbaby Blog Circle: Dark Spring Flowers

Lensbaby Blog Circle: Dark Spring Flowers

Last Friday I bought a bouquet of flowers – for the first time in my life. Potted plants are a normal thing to me but I’m not the kind of person to buy a bouquet. Since I had a specific photography project in mind, I went to the flower store and pi...

MomentsFomapanLensbabyLensbaby Blog CircleNikon FESweet 50
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags The traveling Holga: London

The traveling Holga: London

London and the Holga camera might be my new favorite combination. Add some of your favorite black and white films: Gloomy days galore!

EuropePlacesblack and whiteFomapanholgaholga 120 GFNilfordLondonmonochrome
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Woods to conjure

Woods to conjure

Life is simple in the forest. Images from a walk in the woods, taken with an analog boxcamera on black and white film.

Moments120Fomapan 200Lubitel 166Bnature