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Blogbeiträge zum Thema userstory

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Sorgenlos mit A1 Smart Home: User erzählen von Ihrem Alltag. Teil 1

Sorgenlos mit A1 Smart Home: User erzählen von Ihrem Alltag. Teil 1

Wir haben bei Smart Home User nachgefragt, wie sie Smart Home in ihren Alltag integrieren. In dieser User Story erzählt Peter, wie er Smart Home besonders dazu nutzt, im Home Office fokussiert zu sein.     „Smart Home hilft mir Zuhause fok...

TrendsGadgetsSmart Homea1 smart homea1 smart home kameraphilips hue smart homesmart home alltagsmart home devicessmarter rauchmeldertür- und fenstersensorenuserstory
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Cycling Adventure: Exploring Bolivia

Cycling Adventure: Exploring Bolivia

Bikemap user Matteo Colizzi has embarked on many epic bike trips. In November 2018, he rode from the Salar of Uyuni to the road of the Lagoons, crossing the Andes in Chile and finally reaching San Pedro

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Cycling adventure: Salar de Uyuni and Bolivian Lagoons

Cycling adventure: Salar de Uyuni and Bolivian Lagoons

Bikemap user Matteo Colizzi has embarked on many epic bike trips. In November 2018, he rode from the Salar of Uyuni to the road of the Lagoons, crossing the Andes in Chile and finally reaching San Pedro

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Bikepacking the Carettera Austral in Patagonia

Bikepacking the Carettera Austral in Patagonia

Bikemap user Matteo Colizzi has embarked on many epic bike trips. In December 2017, he bikepacked 1247 km of the Carettera Austral in the Chilean Patagonia from Puerto Montt to Villa O’ Higgins, one of the

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Bikepacking: 1.400 km in 7 days

Bikepacking: 1.400 km in 7 days

Bikemap user Silla Gambardella travelled more then 1.400 km from Riva del Garda, Italy to Barcelona, Spain by bike. Heres his story! This year I had 10 days of vacation and I wanted to spend them doing

User storyBikepackingcyclingtourFranceItalySpainuserstory