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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Suffocating Minds

Guardian of Past Times: Suffocating Minds (‘Soulmates - Version 2024)

Suffocating MindsToday, our spotlight falls upon an artist who channels the spirit of the 80s, meticulously crafting synth-laden songs that evoke a bygone era. Suffocating Minds, featuring tracks like ‘Soulmates and ‘Diving Board, captures an essen...
BelgiumDark SynthDark Synth WaveLiegeMusicMusikSuffocating MindsSynth PopSynthwave
A Synthwave Journey into the 80s: "Magic Trap" by Suffocating Minds

"Magic Trap" by Suffocating MindsSFMD is on a mission to release 9 singles between now and 2024, which will constitute their 3rd album, expected to hit the shelves by the end of that year. As 80s kids, they cherish the sounds, melodies and colours of t...
80sMusicMusikSuffocating MindsSynth PopSynth Wave