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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Shining Fields
‘The Tower to Surpass the Clouds (Album) by Shining Fields

‘The Tower to Surpass the Clouds (Album) by Shining FieldsWhenever the name Shining Fields is mentioned in connection with music, enthusiasts of ambient, drone, or experimental genres take notice. Now, the solo artist has released a new full-length a...
AmbientDroneExperimentalInstrumentalJapanShining FieldsSoundscapeSpeech
Shining Fields: A new Lo-Fi Shoegaze project inspired by Bristol guitar bands of the 90s!

Your music sounds amazing and captivating. What or who inspired you to create Shining Fields?Thank you! Ive been amazed with the feedback and responses Ive been getting for the new release. The idea for Shining Fields comes out of my other recording pr...
ExperimentalLofiMusikNew MusicShining FieldsShoegazeUndergroundUsa