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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Cloud Gaming

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Amazon Luna im Test: perfekter Cloud-Gaming Dienst für Prime Mitglieder

Amazon Luna im Test: perfekter Cloud-Gaming Dienst für Prime Mitglieder

Amazon Luna ist ein Cloud-Gaming-Service, mit dem man Spiele über eine Internetverbindung streamen kann. Ist man bereits ein Amazon Prime-Abonnement, kann man jetzt ohne zusätzliche Kosten auf Amazon Luna zugreifen. Dies ist einer der wichtigsten Gr

TestsAmazonAmazon LunaCloud GamingStreaming
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Das Xbox-Update im Juni mit Neuerungen für Konsolen, Zubehör, PC Gaming und Cloud Gaming

Das Xbox-Update im Juni mit Neuerungen für Konsolen, Zubehör, PC Gaming und Cloud Gaming

Post written by: blogdottv Reading Time: 5 minutes Team Xbox entwickelt auf der Grundlage Eures Feedbacks neue Möglichkeiten, um Xbox zu verbessern. Das Update im Juni bietet brandneue Funktionen für Konsolen, kabellose Controller, PC Gaming und Xbo...

ConsoleGamesNewsXbox OneAnkündigungenGamesJune UpdateUpdateWindows 10 PcXboxXbox Game PassXbox OneXbox One SXbox One XXbox Play AnywhereXbox Series X|s
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags The Xbox June Update Is Rolling Out with Updates to Consoles, Accessories, PC Gaming, and Cloud Gaming

The Xbox June Update Is Rolling Out with Updates to Consoles, Accessories, PC Gaming, and Cloud Gaming

Post written by: blogdottv Reading Time: 4 minutes Want even more options? Theres also a new setting that lets you adjust your dynamic background color without changing your profile color. Easily Connect Your Xbox to Your Wireless Networks Switching b...

ConsoleGamesNewsPcXbox OneAccessoriesAnnouncementsCalcutlatorCloudCloud GamingCommunityConsole GamingConsolesGamingNext GenNextgen GamesUpdateXboxXbox Adaptive ControllerXbox OneXbox Series XXbox Series X|sXbox Update
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases Local Legend 16: The Short SC.7 Skyvan

Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases Local Legend 16: The Short SC.7 Skyvan

Post written by: blogdottv Reading Time: 4 minutes The distinctive Skyvan is a utilitarian workhorse in a class of its own. A TOUGH, MULTI-ROLE MACHINE Microsoft Flight Simulator today introduced the Local Legend 16: the SC.7 Skyvan aircraft that has ...

ConsoleGamesNewsPcXbox OneCalcutlatorCloud GamingCommunityConsole GamingGamesGamingMicrosoft Flight SimulatorNext GenNextgen GamesPc GamingXboxXbox Game PassXbox Series XXbox Series X|s
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases City Update VII: European Cities II

Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases City Update VII: European Cities II

Post written by: blogdottv Reading Time: 4 minutes A diverse and exciting selection of locations from throughout Europe awaits pilots with this latest release. Microsoft Flight Simulator introduced City Update VII: European Cities II today which featu...

ConsoleGamesNewsPcXbox OneCalcutlatorCloud GamingCommunityConsole GamingGamesGamingMicrosoft Flight SimulatorNext GenNextgen GamesPc GamingXboxXbox Game PassXbox Series XXbox Series X|s
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases Local Legend 15: The Dornier Do 31

Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases Local Legend 15: The Dornier Do 31

Post written by: blogdottv Reading Time: 6 minutes Microsoft Flight Simulator pilots can now fly one of aviations greatest icons of innovation. A MONUMENT OF AVIATION INGENUITY The Dornier Do 31 is a jet-powered, vertical take-off and landing (VTOL), ...

ConsoleGamesNewsXbox OneCalcutlatorCloud GamingCommunityConsole GamingGamesGamingMicrosoft Flight SimulatorNext GenNextgen GamesPc GamingXboxXbox Game PassXbox Series X